Creative content ideas that aren’t your lunch or gym workout.

01. Start a series.

A great way to ensure you have new content to post on a periodic basis is to develop a new content series. This can come into life in many forms: blog articles, IGTV videos, podcasts, Instagram Lives, etc.

One of the best examples I’ve seen is from artist Liam Snootle with his brilliant Instagram Series - #LiamSnootleRealEstateImprovementProgram 

Liam strategically updates boring Real Estate signs with his artwork – pure genius! Let’s hope he gets a commission for improving the sale. Follow his Instagram here.

Don’t have the genius for something this creative? 

Be like Mailchimp’s #ByTheBooks and use your favourite or even better create your own # to curate regular content.  Mailchimp has developed a virtual literary festival where they use various content formats to put the spotlight on amazing authors on a continuous basis!

02. Repurpose your existing content.

Proud of your latest blog post? Create some graphics with quotes for Instagram. Even better make a video inspired by the content and share across Facebook, Reel and TikTok.

When you just share on one platform, you’re missing an opportunity to reach audiences who are following you elsewhere. Where possible don’t just cross-post, try to mix it up a bit for each platform. 

03. Friends not fans. 

Since your audience is engaged and interested in your content, show them some love by sharing their posts or highlighting their content. @wework often shares mini-interviews and quotes from inspirational members of their community.

04. Team love.

Don’t stop at your community highlights, give your team members a chance to shine. We all love seeing humans behind the brands we love; feature them as a bio post.

05. Influencer content.

Influencers aren’t all ex MAFS participants. There are many professional Influencers that produce amazing content. Partner with influencers that are aligned to your brand. Working with aligned individuals helps generate content for both your channel and their own as well as raising brand awareness. As social media experts you’re likely to learn a new thing or two from them also.

06. Knowledge share.

Did you know 68% of people online shop from bed? Take a tip for the PR professionals. Stats are always great conent. Sharing industry-related statistics is an easy and educational piece of content. Make it visually interesting and be sure to make it clear why your clients should know or care about these statistics. 

Are you a leader in your space? Create a white paper and share freely with your community.

No matter the industry you’re in, it’s always a great idea to post relevant articles to keep your audience engaged and informed. 

07. Memes, quotes & gifs.

We all need a bit of a lift, some fun and an injection of positivity. No matter your brand or industry, there is always great content that aligns with your niche. Get creative with how you create the graphics, and be sure they fit in with the rest of your content!

08. Answer FAQs

As a service-based business, you might notice many of your clients and prospective clients have similar questions. Jot down a few commonly asked questions and create a series of posts to share on Instagram weekly or monthly to answer these FAQs. Not only is this the type of high-quality, educational content your clients are craving but it also helps cement you as an expert in your field!


2023 Colour Forecast —Curated by The Initiative


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